What's New
On-site interviews
From local pro-league games, ABL, Taiwan HBL to NBA 5v5, China games; or even All-Star and Finals games, BCHK provides on-site interviews and reports around the world.
不論是本地學界甲組賽事、ABL、台灣高中聯賽HBL,或是NBA 5v5、中國賽,甚至是全明星賽及總決賽;籃球種族走遍世界各地,盡力為大家實地追蹤各個籃壇賽事。
Game Recaps
From video highlights, photos, article write-up to player and coach interviews; we provides one-stop, 360-degree, and real-time game recaps for selective games.
About Basketball Clan
Basketball Clan Hong Kong (BCHK) is a Chinese social media platform based in Hong Kong since late-2016, co-found by Bomber and Courtside J who are the hardcore basketball fans. BCHK strives to deliver first-handed basketball-related news by on-site interviews, game recaps or event coverings, to all the Chinese speaking basketball fans.
We also organize basketball trainings and events with various organizations and brands, to engage basketball from online to reality, to increase the interactions between basketball lovers and business partners.
籃球種族是香港一個活躍於社交平台的中文籃球網上雜誌;成立於2016年,由兩位籃球愛好者Bomber及Courtside J,聯手將第一手籃球資訊、實地訪問以及賽事或活動精華帶給華語籃球迷。籃球種族更希望將網上平台帶到社區,不定期與機構及品牌聯承合作,為球迷帶來不同的籃球體驗及活動之餘,亦為合作單位提供與大眾接觸的機會。
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